08 February 2012

The Magic in My Life

“Better than a thousand hollow words
Is one word that brings peace.”
~ Dhammapada, The Sayings of the Buddha

- Oliver affirms life – not because he looks like me but because he's my son and because, through the fact of his existence, he's an affirmation that I can create and create on a heart's scale and more, as opposed to the simplicity of destruction with which I often felt more at ease.
- José Saramago's novels exist.
- Becky “took away all of my reasons not to care” in ways both practical and invisible.
- There are roughly seven billion people on this planet.
- As I write this, I am sitting on a bed on the second floor of a building. That building sits upon a tiny round rock that is currently hurtling around a medium-size plasma orb at 67,000mph. That orb of plasma is currently traveling through an interstellar cloud it entered roughly 44,000 to 150,000 years ago. I could go on about our location within the Orion Spiral Arm in a galaxy of hundreds of billions of stars – but let's stop there, for now.
- The music I loved as a teenager still moves me but the lyrics take on new meaning.
- The boy who thought he'd not live to see 18 is now 27.
- Faerie figurines are perched all around me.
- My wife had a short story accepted for publication – on her first attempt at submitting work since 2010 or earlier.
- Inside this apartment building there are people all around me, just on the other side of the walls or floors, living out their lives just as oblivious to me as I often am to them.
- There are three furry felines in the living room – just sitting in there, like it's the most natural thing in the world for them to be there.
- My son is currently sleeping and sighing while he does so.
- I am the improbable sum of all of my ancestors.
- Hamlet (Royal Shakespeare Company, 2009)
- Whether we will it or not, we are all bound to one another.

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