Having just experienced my first Christmas as a parent, I have decided to write about my favorite Christmas prior to the arrival of my son but after my leaving my parent's home - the period of time in between, where my wife comprised my entire immediate family. I meant to post this on Christmas Eve but stuff kept coming up. You know how it is.
The small town of Seven Devils had received more snow than anyone had expected. More than a foot had fallen in the week prior to my arrival at the cabin my parents had rented. Still, not thinking to check any of this, I decided to drive my front-wheel drive 1997 Ford Taurus up to the mountains.
As a graduate of Appalachian State University, I figured I knew how to handle some snow and, what's more, that same Ford Taurus had survived my years as an undergrad at ASU.
When I arrived at the entrance to the cabin driveway I had a choice: the driveway was a gravel path down a steep incline into a large, mostly level ground on which rested four other cabins, culminating in one direction with a sharp drop and a spectacular view of Grandfather Mountain.
I knew that my car could handle to drop down the hill, steep as it was, though the snow on the ground was packed thick. It was noon and ice wouldn't form until later in the afternoon. I drove, slid rather, down the slope without any incident and, feeling cautious, parked my car some distance away from the cabin, to avoid having to drive up another slope to the front door – I didn't want to risk becoming stuck.